Pensacola Marijuana Charges Attorney
Taking Your Defense To The Prosecution’s Doorstep
Marijuana charges, contrary to many people’s beliefs, can lead to extensive damage to your future. In addition to the hefty fines, mandatory drug counseling, jail time and probation that can stem from a conviction, marijuana charges can also impact your ability to find a job, rent an apartment or obtain financing for college. When facing marijuana charges, including simple possession or more serious trafficking or distribution offense, it is important to mount the most aggressive defense possible.
With more than 40 years of experience, our Navarre marijuana charges lawyers at the law firm of Michael J. Griffith, P.A., offer skillful defense against marijuana charges. Rather than simply guiding you through the criminal process hoping to negotiate a plea deal, we take a more aggressive approach to your charges. Combining our knowledge of state and federal drug laws with our insight into area courts, judges and prosecutors, we work to draft a defense strategy that offers you the best chances of avoiding unnecessary penalties stemming from a conviction.
We aren’t pushovers, and we certainly will not allow you to accept a plea with penalties that we think you can avoid; we’d rather fight for you in court than see your future suffer from a bad plea agreement. To help you mount the best possible defense, we will carefully examine your case for information that can be useful for applying pressure on the prosecution. Such information can include:
- A lack of physical evidence
- Evidence that police officers infringed upon your constitutional rights
- Evidence of improper actions on behalf of police officers
- Evidence that officers illegally searched your person, home or vehicle
Contact Our Office To Begin Mounting Your Defense Immediately
If you have been arrested on a marijuana charge, the time to begin your defense is now. By contacting our office immediately after your arrest, you greatly improve your chances of avoiding a conviction; we will begin researching your case and planning your defense immediately.
Our staff is available to discuss your case 24/7, and encourages you to contact us as quickly as possible. We’ll even pick up the collect call charges if you want to begin planning your defense from jail.
Contact us online or call (850) 495-7977 to discuss your specific marijuana charges during a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.