Pensacola DUI Vehicular Homicide Attorney
A Knowledgeable Attorney Can Guide You Through A Devastating Situation
You have been charged with driving under the influence/vehicular homicide. This is a serious charge on top of a devastating situation. Your life has changed and it may change further. You probably have questions that need answers. The situation may seem confusing at best.
Preparing A Strong Case For You
We are here to help if you have been charged with driving under the influence or vehicular homicide. We will answer your questions. We will review the results of your field sobriety test and develop a DUI defense. We will reconstruct the accident. We can get the advice of forensic specialists, jury consultants and other experts. We will create a strong case for you and prepare to take it to trial. We will be your dynamic ally in court.
Our Goal Is to Mount an Effective Defense
If you have been charged with driving under the influence/vehicular homicide, you need an attorney who will fight for you. At the law firm of Michael J. Griffith, P.A., we devote much of our practice to helping people charged with driving under the influence, vehicular homicide and other DUI defense matters. We have served the people of Pensacola, Florida, and the entire state for more than 40 years.
Success In Minimizing The Consequences
Contact us if you have been charged with driving under the influence or vehicular homicide. Our lawyers will work hard to prepare a DUI defense that will pursue the best results possible for you. We have a proven track record of success in complex and serious criminal cases. Call (850) 495-7977.