Pensacola Gun Right Attorney
Protecting Your Right To Bear Arms After Criminal Charges
Being charged with a crime can be a confusing and frightening experience that can lead to a lot of damaging penalties. If you are a hunter, or an avid shooter, or simply enjoy your right to own a gun, a criminal charge can have an incredibly damaging impact on your hobby and your right to own weapons. Simply being charged with a crime can result in confiscation of your firearms, especially when the alleged offense is violent in nature.
At the law office of Michael J. Griffith, P.A., we understand your desire to own firearms. We also understand how difficult it can be to purchase or legally own a weapon after a conviction. With more than 40 years of experience, our Pensacola gun rights attorneys have the knowledge needed to help you understand how a criminal charge or conviction can impact your ability to hunt or to own a firearm.
Attacking The Charges Against You To Protect Your Second Amendment Rights
If you have been charged with a crime, the most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to contact us immediately after your arrest. By getting us involved immediately, you improve your chances of avoiding a conviction that can strip you of your second amendment rights.
Even before your charges are settled, we will fight to have your firearms returned to you if they have been confiscated by police officers. By attacking the validity of the charges against you, and the strengths of the prosecution’s case, we will lobby for the return of your firearms while we work to plan a defense strategy that addresses the penalties stemming from a conviction. Our experience dealing with gun owners facing criminal charges allows us to help you understand how your charges impact your rights and your future.
Let Our Pensacola Gun Rights Lawyers Help You Reinstate Your Right To Bear Arms
If you have been convicted of a crime, especially a felony-level offense, you likely have lost your rights to legally own a firearm. Our appeals and post-conviction relief guidance may be vital in helping you recover your right to own a firearm as an expungement or pardon of your original conviction can result in full reinstatement of your rights.
Here are several benefits of hiring our Pensacola gun rights attorneys to help you with the gun rights restoration process in Florida:
- Our legal team can examine the nature of your conviction, the completion of your sentence, and any other relevant factors to determine whether you meet the eligibility criteria for having your gun rights reinstated.
- We can help you gather all the required documents to support your gun rights restoration petition. This may include court records, probation or parole completion certificates, character references, evidence of rehabilitation, and any other relevant documentation that demonstrates your eligibility for the restoration of your rights.
- We can draft a petition for the restoration of your gun rights, ensuring that it complies with all the legal requirements and includes all the necessary information and supporting documentation, as well as file the petition with the appropriate court or agency on your behalf.
- If a hearing or court appearance is necessary, our gun rights lawyers will represent you and advocate for your case.
- Our firm can also help you expunge or seal your criminal record before pursuing gun rights restoration.
If your initial petition is denied, we can assist you with the appeals process.
Whether you have recently been charged with, or have been convicted of a crime, it is important to understand the impact your situation can have on your ability to legally own a gun.
Contact our office online or call (850) 495-7977 to discuss your charges and to learn how our skilled gun rights attorneys can help you protect your right to bear arms.